Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Costa Rica Seaside ResortsCosta Rica is located in the heart of Central America. Its territory is only 19,652 square miles yet it is one of the most diverse regions in the world. The country touches both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In addition to its beautiful white and black beaches, the country has a number of rivers and streams.

The Guanacaste Mountain Range, Central Mountain Range and Talamanca Mountain Range are the main mountain ranges that extend the length of Costa Rica. There are several active volcanoes including Arenal (the most active volcano on earth!), Irazu, Rincon de la Vieja and Turrialba. Costa Rica id divided in 20 natural parks, 8 biological reserves and a series of protected areas.

Whether on water or land, the country provides opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment that are hard to surpass. If you enjoy the water, you can choose from a variety of activities such as rafting, sport fishing, snorkeling, surfing, kayaking and more. On land, hiking in the cloud forests, horseback riding, bird watching and golf are among the many activities to enjoy. On land or water, you can observe the exotic wildlife- sea turtles, crocodiles, manatees, otters, brightly colored birds and friendly monkeys.

From this description, you can see why Costa Rica has become a favorite destination for adventure tourists, eco-tourists, sportsmen, nature lovers and more. And it is clear why more and more people appreciating the great natural beauty and opportunities, are choosing to invest in this nation.

Costa Rica Sunset PapagayoCosta Rica Sunset PapagayoCosta Rica Sunset Papagayo